Monday, January 6, 2014

35x Photographs

35x Photographs
 1.We gathered our three pollen's from Poinsettias, Deodar Cedar, and Christmas Cactus.
 2. We placed large samples of each into small circular containers and placed them under the Leica EZ4 HD microscope.
 3. The microscope was connected to an Apple Macbook Air with the program called Leica image 1.0. Where we were able to see the pollen from the microscope on the laptop.
 4. To get clear pictures we moved the magnification to 35x. And we focused the image by using the large black nobs on the sides of the Leica EZ4 HD.
 5. Once the image was how we liked it on the Leica image 1.0, we clicked the "capture" button. And then we took the picture.

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